Learn about God and God’s love for you!
At Christ Lutheran, we are dedicated to providing a children’s and youth ministry that engages our youngest members. We present complex theological concepts in ways that our children can digest, and we challenge our youth to think critically about their faith. We believe faith formation happens best through relationships (with parents, ministers, and other believers), mentoring our children and youth, and witnessing to a life of discipleship.
Led by caring adults, our students learn about topics of interest to them in an open discussion format that encourages critical reflection on our students’ faith.

Our nursery is available during worship services and Sunday School for children four years and younger. It is staffed by a loving, responsible, and professional adult nursery care team.
Stepping Stones
The goal of our Stepping Stones ministry is to encourage and support parents in fulfilling the promises they made for their child at baptism, and to do so by creating an opportunity every year for parents and children to grow in faith together. Stepping Stone milestones include educational time with our pastors, a fun activity or craft, and fellowship with other families.
Baptism – Young Children
1st Grade – My Church
2nd Grade – Learn to Worship
3rd Grade – Bible Navigation
4th Grade – Being Good Stewards
5th Grade – First Communion
Sunday School
Children three years through fifth grade.
Sunday School follows the SAISD school year and is from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. We take a break in the summer to redevelop our curriculum and allow our volunteer teachers to recharge.
Children’s Choirs
We treasure the gift of music at Christ Lutheran, even for our youngest members.
Angelicus Choir – for pre K
Gloria Choir – for K – 5th grade
Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.

Junior High
FX3 Sunday School
6th-8th grade – 9:30 a.m.
FX3 Jr. High Youth Group
Includes Bible study, dinner, games, and time for fellowship. Friends are welcome!
1st & 3rd Sundays, 5 – 7 p.m.
Confirmation at Christ Lutheran is for 7th & 8th graders. Our Youth continue learning about the Bible and their faith while forming important relationships with their peers, pastors, youth staff, and mentors. Most importantly, they learn about the love and grace of God.
Other components include Worship Notes, Service Hours, and Worship Participation. Ask for our Confirmation Booklet.
1st Wednesdays (Sept – May) – 6:00 p.m. with Pastor Leslie.
Special Events
All youth, regardless of creed or church membership, are invited to join in! Check The Proclaimer newsletter for upcoming special events or contact our Director of Faith Formation, Carrie Jowers, for more information
Senior High
Our Senior High Youth Program includes 9th – 12th graders.
The Light Sunday School
9:30 a.m.
The Light Sr. High Youth Group
Bible study, dinner, games, and time for fellowship. Friends are welcome!
1st & 3rd Sundays, 5 – 7 p.m.
Summer Mission
Every summer, our high school students also travel for a week on a trip that challenges them to deepen their faith by serving our brothers and sisters in need. Of course, we also have a ton of fun along the way!
National Youth Gathering
Once every three years, the National Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) hosts the largest youth gathering in the nation. This five-day experience includes worship, service, fun, learning, travel, and group bonding.
Special Events
Always be sure to check The Proclaimer newsletter for upcoming special events. All students, regardless of creed or church membership, are invited to join in! Contact our Director of Faith Formation, Carrie Jowers, for more information.