Women’s Ministry
All women need girlfriends! And that’s what we are about – helping women connect to other women and to their faith. We invite you to come and grow with us.All contacts are through the church.

Lydia Circle
We meet once a month in the Primrose House or a member’s home. Join our friendly group for thoughtful Bible Study and enjoyable fellowship.
1:00 p.m., Third Thursdays., Second Tuesdays, Various Venues
Contact: Hollye Schwartz

Lucy Circle
We meet once a month during the Sunday School hour for fellowship and discussion of assigned readings. This year we are reading a series of essays by women authors, and invite all women who enjoy literature and meaningful conversation to join.
9:30 a.m., Third Sunday’s
CLC Parlor
Contact: Edna Robbins & Jan Norris

The Gathering
The Gathering is a place where moms of children of all ages can come to chat about anything and everything. We will gather each month to support one another, share stories, and most importantly build friendships.
9:30 a.m., First Thursday’s
Olmos Perk Coffee
Contact: Joan Woods or Carrie Jowers
Women’s Retreat
The 2023 Women’s Retreat gathered at the Port Aransas beach in the spring. Our focus was building and sustaining life-giving relationships with other women ,and was led by Jennifer Dunn and Pastor Leslie.
The 2025 retreat date and location TBD.