Find a Place to Serve

Start using your gifts today!
There are many ways to serve in the congregation, the community, the region, and the world. Look through the options listed here and see what calls to you. Please contact the Church office for more information and to get involved!
Eucharistic & Visitation Ministry
Bringing communion to our homebound and shut-ins and visiting them to check in and show we care.
Worship Assistant
Serve in various capacities, from Assisting Minister to Lector to Usher.
Quilting Ministry
Help make quilts to send to the needy around the world.
Music Ministry
Participate in our adult Sanctuary Choir, our Bell Choir, our pre-K Angelicus Choir, our elementary Gloria Choir, or offer a solo on an instrument of your choice.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit prayer shawls to be given to those experiencing a difficult time in life.
Sunday School, VBS, Youth & Confirmation Ministries
Use your gifts in art, service or teaching to help disciple our younger members.
Liturgical Planning Team
Get creative as members and staff work together to bring the seasons of the church year to life.
Special Events Team
Help make our major fellowship events, such as Rally Day, Oktoberfest, and Fiesta a huge success. Participate in food prep, decoration, or clean-up.
Administrative Ministries
Serve as a money counter, on our Property Team, our Website Team, or with our Stewardship Team.
Welcome Team
Reach out to new members and visitors.
Small Group Ministries
Offer to lead one of our many small groups.
Outside Ministries We Support
Sharing a significant portion of our operating budget in support of charitable organizations has been a valued practice and tradition at Christ Lutheran Church. For many years, we have dedicated 20% of our regular offerings to help organizations whose mission is to address the needs of those less fortunate both in our community and beyond. You will find that this high level of a benevolence percentage is unique among congregations and is part of what defines us at Christ Lutheran Church.
We are attracted to giving financial support to organizations in which our members are also active volunteers. The following is a list of charitable organizations that our congregation supports financially as well as through volunteer efforts. Click on the organization to learn about them.

Serve in the Region
Texas Lutheran University
Cross Trails Ministry
Serve in the World
Friends of Ngong Road
ELCA World Hunger
Lutheran World Relief
ILCO – Lutheran Church of Costa Rica
Giving Back in the Community
Meals on Wheels
Christian Assistance Ministry
San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry
Haven for Hope
Center for Refugee Services
Agape Ministry
St. Philip’s Campus Ministry
Northeast Senior Assistance
New Life Children’s Center
San Antonio Clubhouse
Chrysalis Ministries
Inner City Development
Habitat for Humanity
Adopt-an-Angel Project
Giving Back in the Region
Texas Lutheran University
Iglesia Luterana San Lucas
Cross Trails Ministry
Southwestern Texas Synod
Lutheran Campus Ministry-Texas State
Giving Back in the World