Getting Involved

You may choose to be part of a Small Group Bible Study. You may volunteer to teach Confirmation Class. You may decide to sing in the choir. You may think that helping to lead worship is the right option for you. You may have a passion to become an advocate for justice in our community. However you choose to get involved, just know that everything you do makes a difference, in your life of faith and in the life of faith of our community.

There are many ways that you can become involved at Christ Lutheran . . . from fellowship to service to leadership and more, there are a myriad of options. How will you get involved? See the Find a Place to Serve page or Small Group brochure.

Grow in Small Group

“CARE, PRAY, ENGAGE and SERVE.” Our hope is that all people at Christ Lutheran might know a sense of belonging while engaging their faith through our Small Group Ministries.

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with God’s people, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ as the one who unites you; may you grow together spiritually to be a dwelling place for God.”

— Ephesians 2:19-22

This passage from Ephesians provides the basis and direction for our Small Group Ministries at Christ Lutheran. One of the emphases of growing and building our Small Group Ministry is that we want all people to belong here, that even if you come to us as a stranger, you do not stay a stranger for long. In fact, as the passage from Ephesians stresses, because of our shared bond in Christ none of us are ever really a stranger, we are already linked because of our equal reliance on the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Christ Lutheran offers a plethora of wonderful and unique small groups! All of our small groups seek to implement the values, “Care, Pray, Engage, and Serve” as a way to help us all grow together spiritually to create a dwelling place for God! Please join us!