Life Events
Our ministry staff is available for preliminary pastoral care appointments, in which we provide biblical counsel, Christian care, and effective resources to help couples, individuals, and families resolve the problems and issues of everyday life. If you are in need of an initial pastoral care meeting, please contact us.
We also strive to offer a variety of other resources and information for those who may be facing a particular obstacle or crossroads in their life. Explore this section of our website and utilize it to help with whatever needs you may have. If you don’t find an answer here, please don’t hesitate to contact our ministry staff with your questions or for pastoral care assistance.
We’re Here to Help
Christ Lutheran is there for your most sacred life moments.

Our Beliefs About Marriage
God’s intentions for human interactions are beautifully seen in the relationship of marriage, a couple living together in mutual help, comfort, graciousness, companionship, and commitment. To be a committed partner to someone is a great and solemn vocation, so marriage ought to be entered reverently, discreetly, and advisedly, but always with the assurance that God enters alongside us to support us and gift us with mutual happiness and peace that mirror God’s great love. In order to be married at Christ Lutheran, you must complete a series of pre-marital counseling sessions with one of our pastors.
We accept member and non-member wedding applications. Please see our wedding brochure and application form for more details if you are interested in planning your covenantal day at Christ Lutheran.
Wedding Ceremony Brochure Wedding Ceremony Contract

Our Beliefs About Baptism
Baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime sacrament in your child’s faith journey. The sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion carry God’s grace — forgiveness, life, and salvation — to God’s people. Regardless of membership status, these sacraments are gladly offered for you and your family at Christ Lutheran Church. Baptisms occur within our regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship services. Baptism classes with our pastors are required to have your child baptized. Here you will find our Baptism Registration Form. Please call one of our pastors in the church office to schedule your special day.

Funeral Services at Christ Lutheran
Mourning the loss of our loved ones is a heavy task indeed, but as Christians, we do not mourn without hope. We are anchored in the promise of the resurrection.
During regular business hours, please contact the church office. After hours, contact the office and listen to the menu options.
Surviving Divorce
Nearly everyone entering holy matrimony intends to “live happily ever after.” Our culture focuses on creating a picture-perfect wedding rather than supporting an ongoing marriage. For many people, divorce may seem so common that unless someone has journeyed through the experience, it may appear to be nothing more significant than a change in residence.
Regardless of the circumstances, we need to acknowledge that divorce rips through the layers of trust, community, and security to reshape the very core of a person’s faith and identity. During this critical time, many people shy away from the church. With a growing insecurity about their sense of belonging, it often becomes challenging to deal with the dynamics of a faith community.
One of the tasks of the church, then, is to recognize the reality that one in two families deals with the consequences of separation and divorce and to meet that reality with grace and compassion. We at Christ Lutheran commit to do the following:
- Be honest and upfront about the realities of families in transition. Honor privacy, but acknowledge the pain. Model a spirit of grace and acceptance.
- Include prayers for the children and families amid separation and divorce in our corporate prayers.
- Encourage those who have found healing in similar circumstances to be mentors for men, women, and children of all ages.
- Be sensitive to how we speak of divorce and marriage, being careful not to make common cultural assumptions.
- Embrace the children. Surround them with love and attention.
- Put away the perfect attendance awards and recognize a child’s willingness to come when possible. Relay all forms of communication to both parents.
- Offer appropriate pastoral care and concern from formal ministry staff and regular members.
- Give individuals in transition ways to realize that the power within them is more significant than any challenge they face and encourage them to claim the words of I John 4:4 as their ongoing inspiration.
A community-wide divorce support class meets for 6 weeks during the fall and spring. If you are going through a divorce, don’t hesitate to contact the church office for details or to speak with a pastor.