
We strive to offer a variety of other resources and information for those facing a particular obstacle or crossroads in their life.
Our ministry staff is available for preliminary pastoral care appointments, in which we provide biblical counsel, Christian care, and effective resources to help couples, individuals, and families resolve the problems and issues of everyday life. If you are in need of an initial pastoral care meeting, please get in touch with us.
There is always someone available during office hours:
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Urgent Care
Death or Hospitalization
For after-hours Pastoral support call the main number and leave a message for the Senior Pastor.
Pastoral Care
Our pastors are always available for pastoral care if you are facing a difficult time in your life. Please call the church office to make an appointment.
Healing Prayer
This is a service of healing and hope for anyone going through a challenging time, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The service includes holy communion, anointing, and prayer for each person present.
Every other Tuesday in the Rode Chapel at 10:00 a.m.
Prayer Chain Ministry
The Prayer Chain has a rich and interesting history over the past 50 years at Christ Lutheran Church. Members of the Prayer Chain are members and friends of our congregation who are extremely active in their prayer and faith life. Prayer requests for the Prayer Chain come into the church in a variety of ways.
Prayer Request Cards
Let us know if you have need of prayer!
There are Prayer Request Cards in the pew racks in the Sanctuary. Members and guests may complete these cards and place them on the offering plate, which makes their way to the church office. Prayer requests can also come into the church office by phone or e-mail.